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City Government

Belleville, Kansas - City Government

The City of Belleville has a City Council, Mayor, and City Manager form of government. The community recently switched from a ward voting system to an at large for council members.  They are chosen for two year alternating terms.  The Mayor is chosen at large from the community for a two-year term and presides at the council meeting.  The city manager is hired to oversee the operations of the city and serves the citizens and council members.

We invite everyone to attend our council meetings which are held the 2nd Monday and 4th Monday of each month at the City Hall, 1819 “L” Street, at 7:00 PM.; our “Council Agenda” is online.  For citizens whom wish to speak during the “Public Comment” time at council meetings, there is a signup sheet available at the City Office to get your name on the list.  The signup sheet is available during normal working hours, and up until the start of the meeting.

City Council

Mayor – Adam Robertson

Council Members:
Mike Nondorf
Diane Boman
Pam McGregor
Doane Sells
Mike Palmquist
James Doyle


City Offices

City Hall
Phone:  785-527-2288
Address:  1819 L. Street
Belleville, KS 66939

City Manager:  Adam Anderson
City Clerk:  Russ Piroutek

City Attorney
Phone:  785-820-8280
Address:  1819 L. Street
Attorney: Julie Effenbeck